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Welcome to "What GIVES?"

Wow...I can't believe that I am actually doing this. From an early age, I knew I wanted to help others grow and find fulfillment in their lives, but I could have never imagined that it would lead to this movement.

My name is Michael Ruff, but EVERYONE calls me "Mikey." I have this passion to help lead, guide, and develop others in any way that I can. My extroversion has proven to be very useful in fulfilling these passions. I have spent a lot of time growing myself under some great...and not-so-great...leaders. I want to take the many lessons taught to me by these experiences and share them with you all.

Where did the name come from?

Well...that took some effort, but, using all of the lessons taught to me, I compiled some core leadership competencies into an acronym.

To be an effective and impactful leader, one must....

Grow: Leaders must be willing to grow themselves as well as grow others.

Integrity: Leaders must have unwavering integrity and always fight for what is right for their teams.

Vision: Leaders must share a vision with their teams. A leader's vision directly sets the tone for the culture.

Expectations: Set high but realistic expectations for yourself as well as your team.

Sacrifice: Leaders must be willing to make sacrifices to ensure the best for those relying on them.

This concept has inspired me to create this site, a podcast, and hopefully...a book. I hope that you take value in the many lessons that I have learned. I look forward to sharing them.


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